FA Full time
Find out more about the Rother Youth League on the FA Full Time Website
Pitch Finder
Check out the pitch finder app for next season.
2023/24 League Winners and Runners Up
Congratulations to this year’s Rother league winners and runners-up. .
Registration for the 24/25 season is now open
Please complete the registrtion forms for the new season. .
2022/23 League Winners and Runners Up
Congratulations to this year’s Rother league winners and runners-up. .
Registration for 2023/24 Season now open
Congratulations to this year’s Rother league winners and runners-up. .
2021/22 Rother Youth cup Final Winners
Congratulations to this year’s Rother league winners and runners-up. .
Registration for the 2022/23 Season is now open
The Rother Youth Football League is pleased to anounce that registration is now oepn for the 2022/23 season
2021/22 Rother Youth cup Final Winners
Congratulations to this year’s Rother league cup final winners and runners-up. A big thank you to all those who helped and to Bexhill FC for allowing us to use the pitches at the Polgrove. A fantastic couple of days of football on a cold but beautiful weekend. .
2020/21 Rother Youth League Winners
Congratulations to this year’s Rother league winners and runners-up. .
Registration for the 2021/22 Season is now open
The Rother Youth Football League is pleased to anounce that registration is now oepn for the 2021/22 season

Further to the government’s announcement on Saturday 19 December with regards to the introduction of Tier 4 areas and the latest information on COVID-19, we have issued the following update.